jueves, 13 de abril de 2017

Carolina Correa 2437 Photography


San Andres

San Andres located in the northwestern part of the Colombian mainland.
It is one of the most important islands of the archipelago of colombia, which forms part of one of the main tourist sites.
The climate on the island is warm. Daily arrive to the islands several airplanes coming from different Colombian cities and some from the outside, in search of recreation and rest; The previous activities are complemented by those of agriculture and fishing for crabs, snapper and shrimp, which are insufficient to supply the islands.
Fish and seafood are common in the island's cuisine, with recipes that include seafood, prawns, crabs and snapper. The main accompaniments are rice with coconut, patacón, yucca, yam, fruit and bread and beans, among the traditional desserts of the island are the cocada, the coconut ball, sweet sesame, and auyama, corn and banana cake

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