domingo, 24 de julio de 2016


Descargar archivo que corresponda repartirlo con los integrantes, memorizarlo para evaluación uno del 16 al 26 de agosto, se presentaran el 02 de septiembre



DIRECTIONS  directchens

Peel and devein the shrimp, reserving the shells.In a large frying pain heat 4 Tbsp
Piil aend divein de chrim, riserving de chels in ei larch fraien pein jit for teibolspun
of olive oil and saute the minced onion, carrots, peppers, garlic, and celery until
of ooil aend sout de maiced ounion kerrots pepers gaerlic aend ceeleri antil
soft. Add the finely diced tomatoes and continue to cook slowly until the tomatoes
soof aad de faineli daicd tomeitos aend kentinue tu kuk eslouli antil de tomeitos
have rendered theirs juices and are soft. Be careful of burning and add water if
jaf riderd deirs yuis aend ar soof bi kerful of barnin aend aad uoder if
mixture gets too dry in a separate pan heat 3 Tbsp of olive oil and saute the shrimp
mixcher  guets tu drai in ei separeit paan jit tri teibolspun of ooil aend saut de chrim
shells until pink. Add the Knorr cubes of Sopa de Camaron and 2 qts of water.
Chels antil piink aad de nor kiubs of soup de camaron aend tu grem of uoder
Cook vigorously adding water as needed. Taste for salt as the Knorr product has a
Kuk vigorouisle aadin uoder aas nided teist for solt aas de noor prodiuk jas ei
considerable amount of it. If you need more flavor add additional cubes of Knorr.
Considerabl emont ofit ifiu nid mor flever aad adichenel kiubs of noor
Strain to remove the shells. Allow both mixtures to cool somewhat and adding
Estrein tu remuv de chels alou boot michurs tu kul sonout aend aadin
equal portions of mixture to a blender blend until smooth. In a large pot heat 1
ikuel porchens of mixchur tu ei bleender bleend antil esmot in ei larch Poot jit uan
Tbsp of olive oil and saute the tomato paste briefly then add the blended soup and
Teibolspun of ouliv ooil aend saut de tomeito paest briefli den aad de bleend soup aend
cook on high heat for 10 minutes. Add the peeled and deveined shrimp and the Sriracha
kuk on jaig jit for ten miniuts aad de pild aend diavind chrem aend de siracha
Hot Chili Sauce, turn off the burner and put a lid on the pot. Leave for 10 minutes.
Jot chile sausch tarn off de barner aend pate i llid on de Poot liv for ten miniuts
Rewarm to serve, but do not bring to a boil as it will toughen the shrimp.
Reuard tu serv bat du nat briing tu ei booil aas it uil tuguen de chrem


The common cod, Atlantic cod or cod from Norway is one of about 60 species of the
De kemon cood atlantic cood or cood fron nourei iz uan  of abaut sixti espais of de
same family of migratory fish. Lives in cold northern seas. Usually cod is small in size,
sein faemili of migratori fish livs in kold nortdem siis iusuali cood iz esmol in saiz
although some specimens can reach hundred kilograms with a size of up to nearly two
altog som espechmens ken rich jandred kilograms uit ei Saiz of ap tu nerli tu
meters. It feeds on smaller fish, such as herring. Salted cod is a processed form of cod
meders it fids on esmoler fish sacha as jerin solted cood iz ei proucesed form of cood
is to undergo both the drying by salt. This presentation makes it possible to keep in a dry
iz tu andrgo boot de drain bai solt dis presentechen meiks it posibol tu kip in ei drai
place for several months. Cod is prized for its meat and its liver oil. The cod liver oil is
pleis for sevrel mounts cood iz praised for itz mit aend itz laiver ooil de cood laiver ooil iz
extremely rich in Omega-3 fatty acids as well as vitamin A and vitamin D.2 In fact, these
ikstremeli riich in oumega tri faati eicids aas uel vitamin ei aend vitamin di tu in faec des
properties were heavily exploited for years, the crude oil supplied to children as a dietary
propertis uer jeveli ixploitd for iars de criud ooil suplaid tu children aas ei ditteri
supplement for fixing calcium in bones.  Tsuplment for fixin kalsium in bons
There are very many recipes for cooking cod, grouped into five major culinary families:
Der ar veri meni risaips for kukin cood group int faif mayor kulinari feimilies
raw, roasted, in sauce, oil, with cream or butter and sweet. Cod "Club Ranero" is a
reu roosted in sauch ooli uit Krim or bader aend suit cood clab reinero iz ei
variant of bacalao al pil-pil to which is added a fry peppers.
Verient of bacalao al pil pil tu uich iz aaded ei fraid pepers.


Atollado rice is a traditional Colombian dish Pacific region, which includes the
Tollado rais iz ei tredichenel colombian dish  pacific reyen uich includs de
departments of Nariño, Chocó, Cauca and Valle del Cauca. This region of Colombia is
deparment of Nariño choco cauca aend valle del cauca dis reyen of Colombia iz
located in the Pacific Ocean and borders Panama and Ecuador in the north, in the
lokeitd in de pacific ocean aend boordes panamá aend ecuador in de noort in de
south. There are many variations of Colombian atollado rice. Some of them are bogged
saut der ar meni verechens of colombian atollado rais som of de mar boogued
crab bogged duck, smoked meat bogged. It is easy to do, and it tastes even better the
kreb boogued dak esmouk mit boogued itz isi tu du aend it teist iven beder de
next day! So if you find yourself hosting a lunch for friends, a family party or need just an
next dei sou if iu faind iorsel jostin ei lanch frends ei feimeli parti or nid yast aen
idea for lunch during the week, I think this cream rice with chicken and sausage is a
aidia for lanch darin de uil ai dink dis crim  rais uit chiken aend sausch iz ei
wonderful addition to your table.  Uonderful aedichen tu ior teibol.


Papa Salada is a traditional Colombian side dish and is a typical accompaniment to
Iz ei tredichenel colombian said aend iz ei taipikel ekempenemient tu
our asados or grilled meats. In my opinion, the best papas saladas are found in
auar asados or griled mits en mai oupinion de best papas saladas ar faund in
Medellin at a chain restaurant called Kokoriko, where their specialty is roasted chicken.
Medellin at ei chein restrorant coled kokoriko uer deir espechiali iz rosted chiken

Fried rice with coconut


1 pound of rice, 1 coconut grated, 2 tablespoons white sugar, 5 cups water, Salt to taste,
Uan paund of rais uan coconat greted tu teibolspun uit chugar faif caps uoder solt tu teis
raisins, preparation  Blend the grated coconut and 1 cup water and strain the resulting
raisins preperechen bleend de greitd cocnat aend uan cap ouder aend estrein resultin
milk, Put pure coconut milk with the sugar in a pot on the fire, liquefy again in
miilk pat piur coconat miilk uit de chugar in ei Poot on de faia, likuifai eguein in
three cups of coconut water and coconut milk strain, When you have made a candy in
tri caps of coconat uoder aend cocnat miilk estrein uen iu jaf meid ei kendi in
the pot with pure coconut milk and sugar, add the remaining milk obtained in the second
de Poot uit piur coconat miilk aend chugar aad de rimainin miilk oubtaein in de sekon
liquified, At that time small pieces of coconut candy should be formed. Add the raisins
likuifai at dat taim smol país of coconat kendi chud bi forma ad de raisins
halved Mix until incorporated everything and wait for it to warm, Add salt to taste
jalvd miks antil incorporeid evriding aend uait for it tu uarm aad solt tu esteit
and make rice following the normal process. Aend meik rais folouin de normel proces

Snacks and principles arepas buñuelitos fruit and breadfruit, yams white arepas,
Esnaks aend praincipels arepas buñuelitos fruit aend bredfruit yems uait arepas
the masafritas Tuga, cobs, querrevengas, cake and fish eggs. Entrees the atollado rice,
de masafrita tuga, coobs kerrevengas, kiek aend fish egs entris de atollado rais
nailed rice, dry-smooth cod fish, chanfaina, bocachico dentex or scaly, stew heart of
naild rais drai esmoot cood fish chanfaina bocachico  dintex or eskeli estiu jert of
peach palm and fish with chocoano lulo. Desserts include rice with coconut milk and
pich pelm aend fish uit chokuano lulo, deserts inklud rais uit coconat miilk aend
breadfruit jelly. Bredfruit yeli.


Mojarras are a family of fish including in the order Perciformes. They are distributed by
Mojarras are i faemeli of fish inkladin in de ouder perciforms dei ar distribiut bai
most tropical seas, estuaries and occasionally are rare freshwater species.
Moost troupikel sis estuaries aend oukesioneli ar rer fresuoder espies
They are small silvery fish that have a very protusible mouth, with a scaly head but
Dei ar esmol silveri fish dat jaf ei veri protusibol maut uit ei eskeil jed bat
smooth upper surface, dorsal and anal fins with a sheath of scales on the base
esmut aper surfeis doursel aend enal fains uit ei chiat of eskeils on de beis
membrane of the gill unattached to the isthmus, 24 vertebrae and deeply forked tail,
membrein of de guil anietechd tu de itsmus, tuentifor vertbrei aend dipli foorkd tail
maximum  length 35 cm, reached in the species Gerres filamentosus.They feed on
maximun lengt tirti faif ciem riched in de espeis gerres  filamentous dei fid on
benthic invertebrates digging sand, 1 most species live in banks in coastal areas. They
beentik invretebreits diyin saend uan moost espais laiv in baenks in costel ireas dei
fish for use as a food source, but also used as bait for fishing in many parts of the
fish for ius aas ei fud sourch bat ols aas biet for fischin in meni partes of de
Caribbean and South America. It´s one of favourites plates for a weekend Lunch. It is
Keribien aend saud america itz uan of faverits plaits for ei uikend lanch itz
very easy to make as well as being delicious mixed with some Colombian side dishes.
Veri isi tu meik aas uel aas bein delicius mixd uit som colombian said disches.


The cebiche, is a dish that, in different versions, is part of the culinary several coastal
De cevich  iz ei dish dat in difrent verchens iz paart of de kulinari sevrel costel
Latin American countries of the Pacific Ocean, such as Chile, Colombia, and others
Latin america kentries of de pacific oucean sacha as chile, Colombia and ouders
Countries in latin america, the latter is considered as equity cultural. Among the more
Kentries in latin america de later iz kensiderd aas ekuit kiulteral emong de mor
employees are citrus lemon lime and acid, although historically bitter orange was used.
Emploies ar citrus lemon lain aend aicid altog jistorikel bider ourench uso iused
The dressing also includes a local variety of pepper or chili, mustard replaced in some
De dresin ols includs ei loukel verieti of peper or chili masterd riplieced in som
areas of Ecuador and Central America. Some preparations include chopped cilantro and
iries of ecuador aend centrel amerika som preperechen includs choopd cilantro aend
other countries is common to add tomato sauce. The meat is usually marinated with
ouder kentries iz comon tu aad tomeito sauch de mit iz iusuali marinetd uit
onion slices or chopped, in Mexico also usually includes tomato and avocado.
Ounion slais or choopd in mexico ols iusuali includs tomeito aend avokeido.


Arepa with shredded beef can be found in Colombia from street stalls to good
Arepa uit chreded bif ken bi faund in Colombia from estrit estols tu gud
restaurants, different in price but not in taste. This delicious dish is always fixed, the
restorants difrent in prais bat nar in teist, dis delicious dish iz oluis fixd de
intensity of flavor of meat cooked for a long time, until all strands go apart with a rich and
intesivit of flever of mit kuked for ei long taim antil ol estrend gou epart uit ei rich aend
well-seasoned stew, made with tomatoes and onions, suddenly with cilantro, others with
uel siasoned estiu meid uit tomeitos aend ounions sadenli uit cilantro, ouders uit
garlic and paprika, all these options and still to be tested are the best companions. Also
gaerlic aend paprika ol dees opchen aend estil tu bi teested ar de best kempenios ols
adds avocado, mushrooms and other vegetables or meat, put blow your mind to serve
aad avokeido, musroms aend ouder vestibols or mit pat blou ior maind tu serv
this delicacy. Dis delikase


One of the most coveted preparations by locals and visitors are sweaty chicken and fish
uanof de moost couved preperechens bailoukels aend vaisitors ar suidi chiken aend fish
stew. Bananas have found an important place with the supply of sweets, desserts and
esiu baenanas jaf faund aen imporant pleis  uit de suplai of suits deserts aend
cakes, which complement the cuisine, which, through special projects as one of the
keiks uich kemplement de kousin uich trogt espechel proyects aas uan of de
components of Erica program, intended boosting regional cuisine, as was the First
kemponents of erika prougam intended bustin reyenel kousin aas uso de ferst
Gastronomic Festival "Oyster Mangle" held in November 2012 that allow residents to
Gaestronomic festival oister mangle jeld in nouvember tunti ilivent dat alou residents tu
meet new preparations of shellfish, such as gratin example and skewers with avocado,
mit niu preperechens of chelfis sacha as gretin exampol aend eskiuers uit avokeido
among others delight. regional typical preparations are snapper and sierra. Other
emong ouders delait reyenel taipikel preperechens ar esniper aend sier ouder
equally delicious dishes you can taste in this beautiful place shrimp are prepared in
ekuali delicious disches iu ken teist in dis biutiful plais chrimp ar priperd in
various ways, ceviches, cocktails, seafood and crab pots.
Verious ueis cevichs cokteils sifud aend kraeb potos.


The carimañola is consumed at breakfast, along with other foods, as well as starter or
De karimañola iz kensumd at breifaest along uit ouder fuds aas uel aas estart or


DIRECTIONS directchens

In a heavy skillet over medium-low heat, cook and stir sugar with a wooden spoon until
In ei jevi ekilt ouver médium lau jit kuk aend estir chugar uit ei uoden espun antil
melted and golden, about 10 minutes. Caramel is very hot. Very carefully pour the
miltd aend goulden abaut ten miniuts kermel iz veri jot veri kerfuli pur de
caramel into a 9-inch round, 3-inch deep baking dish. Swirl dish to cover bottom and
kermel int ei nain inch raund tri inch dip beikin dish suirl dish tu couver bouton aend
sides. The caramel will harden as it cools.  Combine the eggs, cream cheese, and
saids de kermeluil jarden aas it culs combain di egs Krim chees aend
sweetened condensed milk in a blender. Cover, and blend on High until well combined;
suitend kendensd miilk in ei blender couver aend bleend on jaig antil uel combained
transfer to a large bowl. Pour the cream of coconut, coconut milk, evaporated milk,
transfer tu ei larch boul pur de Krim of coconat, coconat miilk ivapored miilk
coconut-flavored rum, and vanilla extract into the blender; cover and blend on High until
coconat flevers ram aend vanila ikstract int de blender couver aend blend on jaig antil
well combined. Pour into the bowl with the cream cheese mixture. Whisk until
uel kembaind pur int de buol uit Krim chees mixchur uisk antil
incorporated. Pour the flan mixture into the caramel-coated baking dish. To serve, run a
inkerporeit pur de flan mischur int de kermel couatd biekin dish tu serv ran ei
knife around the edges of the pan and flip the flan out onto a serving platter. Spoon any
naif araund di egs of de paan aend fliip de flan aut ont ei servin plaiter spun eni
caramel remaining in the baking dish over the flan.
Kermel rimainin in de biekin ouver de flan


INGREDIENTS  aingredients

1 cup. Oil, 1/2 cup. chopped onion, 1 tbsp. minced garlic, 1/2 kg. ground beef, 
Uan cao ooil, midol cap coupd ounion uan teibolspun gaerlic, midol kiyi graund bif
2 tbsp chopped parsley, 4 tbsp. black raisins, chopped, 1/4 tz. chopped black olives,
Tu teibolspun coopd peirlei, for teibolspun. Blaek raisin choopd a cuarter blaek olivs
2 boiled eggs, chopped, 3/4 kg. white boiled potato, 2 tbsp. Flour, 6 TZS.
Tu boild egs choopd tricuares kiyi uait bouiled poteito tu teibolspun, floor six tisies
cooked rice,2 TZS. Creole sauce, salt, pepper and cumin.
Kuked raid tu tisies criole sausch solt peper aend kamin.

PREPARATION preperechen

Heat two tablespoons of oil in a skillet over medium heat, and brown the onion and
Jit tu teibolspun ofooil in ei eskilet ouver médium jit aend barun di ounion aend
garlic for three minutes. Season with salt, pepper and cumin. Add ground beef and cook
gaerlic for tri miniuts sison uit solt peper aend kumin aad garund bif aend kuk
for eight minutes more. Add parsley, raisins, olives and eggs, and mix. Remove from
for eit miniuts mor aad parlei raisin oulivs aend egs aend mix rimuv fron
heat and let stand. Peel and crimp the still hot potatoes. Season with salt and mix in a
jit aend let estend pil aend Krim de estil jot poteitos siason uit solt aend mix in ei
bowl with the flour. Let cool. Divide the dough into six portions potato and flatten with
boul uit de flaur let kul divaid de dog int six porchens poteito aend flaeten uit
your hands. Place two tablespoons of filling in the center and close potatoes, giving
ior jands plais tu teibolspuns of filin in de center aend clos poteitos guiving
oval. Heat over medium heat the remaining oil and sear the stuffed potatoes on each
ouval jit ouver mediun jit de riamainnin ooil siar de estaf poteitos on ich
side. Serve immediately with rice and Creole sauce.
Said serv inmediateli uit rais aend criole sauch


The seafood is, in gastronomy, an edible marine invertebrate animal. This definition
De sifud iz in gaestronomi aen idibol maerin invertebrei enimel, dis defichen
typically include shellfish molluscs, mussels, clams, cockles, squid, octopus, and other
taipikel inklud selfish molush musles klems cokles eskid octopus aend ouder
marine animals such as some echinoderms sea urchin and some urochordates In the
marin enimels sacha as som echinoderms si archin aend som iurocordeits in de
Pacific are highly sought for seafood casseroles, by the presence of the port and
Pacifik ar jaili sougt for sifud kaserols bai de presens of de port aend
tourism. Buenaventura, officially Special District, Industrial, Port, Biodiverso and
tuirism buenaventura ouficiali espechel diistric industriel poort biodivers aend
Ecoturístico Buenaventura is a port district of Colombia, located in the department of
Ekoturistik buenaventura iz ei poort distrik of Colombia loukatd in de deparment of
Valle del Cauca. It is located on the shores of the Bay of Buenaventura, a bay of the
Valle del cauca itz loukeit on de chors of de bie of buenaventuta ei bie of de
Pacific Ocean. Dista 121 km by road from Cali which is separated from it by
Pacifik oucean dist uantuentiuan kiem bai road fron cali uich iz separeitd  fron it bai
the Western Cordillera of the Andes and 528 km from Bogota, the
de uesterm cordilerra of di andes aend faif jandred tuentieit  kiem fron bogota de
capital. Apart from this, it is the largest in the entire Pacific region and greater extension
kepitel apart fron dis itz de larches in de entir pacific reyen aend greider extenchen
of the department of Valle del Cauca municipality.


The pisao patacón is a Colombian food adopted by several regions of Spain and other
De pisao patacon iz ei colombian fud adouptd bay sevral reyens of espain aend ouder
countries where it is classified as one of the best meals of Colombia for its simplicity and
kentries uer itz klasified aas uan of de best mials of Colombia for itz simplicit aend
distinctive Latin flavor. The fried plantains, fried plantains also called in other countries,
distintiv latin flever de fraied plaenteins fraied plaenteins ols coled in ouder kentries
are to us Colombians one of the most versatile dishes and we took most of it. We eat at
ar tu as colombians uan of de moost versátil disches aend ui tuk moost ofit ui it at
breakfast, lunch or dinner, and consider the perfect accompaniment that goes well with
breikfast lancho r dainer aend kensider de perfect ecompenimet dat goues uel uit
almost everything. On this occasion, I present to pisao patacón, a recipe that differs from
olmost evriding on dis okesien ai present tu pisao patacon ei recip dat difers fron
everyday, that banana toast are as thin as possible. Legend has it that the pioneers
evridei dat baenana toast ara as posibol leyend jas it dat de pioners
cooks this dish, slices accommodated between two flat surfaces and then trod so they
plaenteinskuk dis dish eslais eikomodatd bituin tu flat surfeis aend den de pioners
were as thin as a sheet of paper. Hence its curious name, pisao patacón.
Uer aas dina as ei shit of peiper jens itz kurious neim pisao patacon.

RICE Brawl  rais breul

We need: - Carrot, - Habichuela-vetch, - Onion branch, - Cabezona, Garlic, Tomato, -
Ui nid:  kerrot habichuela, uet ounion brench cabezona gaerlic tomeito
 Rice, - Cheese, - Longaniza, - Beef and pork, - Tuna, Sausage, Chicken
Rais chees longaniza, bif aend pork, tun sauch chiken

Preparation: Well there are many ways to prepare it, one of them is to make white rice,
Preperechen; uel der ar meni ueis tu priper it uan of dem iz tu meik uit rais
apart sauce, tomato, onions, garlic, carrots, beans, peas, is prepared meats are
apart sauch tomeito ounions gaerlic  kerrots bins pieis iz priperd mits ar
prepared by separately and then put everything in a pot and stir as it is called
priperd  bai seprateli aend den pat evridin in ei Poot aend estera as itz coled
bochinche.  Bochinche


High raining department one of the highest in the world, makes agriculture difficult
Jaig rainin deparment uan of de jaigjest in de uorld  meiks agriculter difikiult
and yet, this is done with plantain, maize, rice, cocoa and coconut. Mining, where most
aend iet dis iz don uit plaentein mais rais cocoa aend cocnat minin uer moost
of these activities are done on the coast of San Juan in the municipality where it is given
of dees activities ar don on de coast of san juan in de municipalti uer itz guiven
greater exploitation of metals is in the municipality of Condoto which is the world capital
greder exploitechen of mitels iz in de municipalti of condoto uich iz de uorl kepitel
of platinum.  Of platinum.

100 grams of shrimp 1 tablespoon coconut milk 1 teaspoon 3 tablespoons hogao
Uan jandred grems of chrimp uan teibolspun coconat miilk tiespun tri teibolspun ogao
chontaduro 4 bighorn fried plantains 1 teaspoon cilantro 1 teaspoon of pennyroyal.
Chontaduro for bigjorm fraid plaentains uan tiespun cilantro uan tiespun of penroial

Preparation  preperechen

Hot in the pan coconut milk, the chontaduro and hogao, and mix until all ingredients are
Jotin de paan cocnat miilk de chontaduro aend ogao, aend mix antil ol aingredients ar
incorporated.  Then add the shrimp, bring the preparation to a boil and cook for three
incorpereit den aad de chrim brin de preperechen tu ei bouil aend kuk for tri
minutes. After this time, remove from heat, add the cilantro and mix. Mount each
miniuts afer dis neim rimuv from jit aad de cilantro aend mix mount ich
superimposed patacón-one with the other man and beside this, the shrimp.
Saperimpousd patacon uan uit di ouder man aend bisaid dis de chrim


He lives in both freshwater and saltwater, as well as in temperate, tropical, cold or frigid
Ji laivs in bot fresuoder aend soltuoder aas uel aas in tempertur troupikel could or frids
regions. It lives in shallow water, near the bottom, where it feeds on plants and small
reyens it laivs in sualou uoder niar de boutom uer it fids on plaents aend smol
animals. Usually transparent, green or brown.
Enimels iusuali transpaerent grin or braun



The aborrajado fish is a typical dish of the Pacific region in Colombia, it can be found in
Di aborajado fish iz ei taipikel dish of de pacifik reyen in Colombia it ken bi faund in
the Chocó and Tumaco. It is a fried dish, is made from wheat flour and fillet of bream. In
de choco aend Tumaco its ei fraied dish iz meid fron uit flor aend filet of brien in
Choco is the richest region in river fish and sea because of its extensive river network choco iz de riachest reyen in river fish aend si bicoz ofits ikstensiv river netuork
where you live an interesting variety of fish. Its coastline, with coves and most beautiful
uer iu laiv aen interestin vaerieti of fis hits costlain uit covs aend moost biutiful
bays in Colombia, favor the proliferation of seafood dishes that make up the food base
beais in Colombia feivor de proliferechen of sifud dish dat meik ap de fud beis
indigenous population and accompany plátanoy like cassava. also it has exotic fruits like
indiyenous populechen aend ekempani platano laik casava ols it jas iksotik fruits laik
borojó and almirajó, gorgeous flavor with pleasant soft drinks which are prepared.
Borojo aend almirajo yourgeous flever uit pliasent sof drinks uich ar priperd
Buenaventura, Guapi and Tumaco constitute the gastronomic trilogy of the region and
Buenaventura, guapi aend Tumaco kenstituid de gaestronomi triloyi of de reyen aend
share many preparations although there is always a distinctive touch of each people due
cheer mani preperechens altog der iz oluis ei distintif tacho d ich pipol due
to extraordinary use of coconut milk. Guapí, enjoys the almost infinite variety of seafood,
tu ikstraordineri ius of coconat miilk gaupi enyois de olmost infinitif vaeriti of sifud
game meats and sausages magnificent barrels coming in from across the country.
Gueim mits aend sauches magnificient baerels komin in fron eicros de kentri.

Possible phrases
- Good morning, -  Gud mornin,   
thanks you,   senkiu   
your welcome. Ior uelkom   
Hi. jai   
Hello, jelou   
no problema nou problem,   
how much is this?   Jau mach iz dis?   
- your change –  ior chein   
Welcome  -  uelkom   
Colombian currency  -  colombian kerrenci  (moneda colombiana)  
 A thousand pesos  - ei sausand pesos   
two thousand pesos  -  tu sausand pesos   
three thousand pesos   etc, -   tri sausand pesos  
it is cheap –   its chip   
it is expensive  its ikspensiv   
this is... did iz   

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