lunes, 28 de marzo de 2016

Dana Sofia Gonzalez Arbelaez Entrevista: Casey Haynes

Isaac newton modern Liceo


Harassment in the classroom



First period

Dana Sofia Gonzalez Arbelaez


Bullying also known as bullying, bullying, or a form of verbal or physical abuse, is somewhat inconsistent because I do not respect his fellow serving hitting treat bad someone der serving to feel bad for someone with this win something because not hate they earn earn anything between co-produced some ways undue over a certain time someone else put up with, and they have brought social networks theft problems that this helps us with the specific name of cibera arena. Statistically, the type of violence is dominant nobody ever hold the world is worse occurs mainly in the classroom and playground schools. The protagonists of cases of bullying are often children in the process of entry into adolescence, being slightly higher percentage of girls in the profile of victims.
There are many victims of the whorehouse in this case which showed the world that they are not alone is casey haynes someone who suffered from bulín all his life acted in a way that had never acts beat him as they would say offensive words but who won that both disturbed thanks to this I gained strength and now anyone who wants to make bulín and now everyone knows that this can make bulín end badly.
Casey hanes the child too much to get over alfinal not ended badly for him, for stalkers and harassers, problems and more problems trajieron

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